Putting Instagram Stories and Highlights to Work for Your Brand
April 19, 2018

Instagram Stories and Highlights are two of the most exciting features released by the social media company in the last couple of years. The launch of Instagram Stories follows the trend of sharing short video clips to followers, similar to SnapChat. Since Instagram users are largely known for preferring exceptionally curated images, the release of Stories created an outlet to display fun, quirky videos.
What does all of this mean for businesses and their brand on Instagram? It provides an opportunity for businesses to connect in a whole new way, as well as a way of overcoming obstacles presented by the most recent Instagram algorithm updates. Our marketing agency in Boca Raton has outlined some tips below for brands to make the most out of these new and exciting Instagram features.
Since implementation of changes to the Instagram algorithm in 2018, many have noticed a decrease in the visibility of their posts. These adjustments to the algorithm created a shift from a chronological feed to one that is primarily engagement based. Instagram states that these modifications are intended to deliver users the content they are most likely to be interested in and engage with, placing focus on improving the user experience. These updates in the algorithm present new challenges for brands to reach their audience with the most up-to-date content.
Instagram Stories is a feature that allows users to post short video clips which are displayed in chronological order across the top portion of the app. These are separate from traditional image posts. Stories and Highlights on Instagram enables brands to retain the content they post for users to browse or reference at a later time. Before the introduction of the Highlights feature, Stories posted on Instagram disappeared once they were viewed, much like SnapChat posts. Additionally, there is an option to create categories within Instagram Highlights, where posted Stories can be saved for followers to view at their convenience.
- Turn on the Save to Archive setting in Instagram to automatically save and re-share stories.
- Develop a strategy for Highlights categories before getting started. Take into consideration that in Highlights, Stories are posted in chronological order. Plan to upload content so that the most important posts remain within the first few categories in Highlights.
- One recent trend includes boosting the performance of an image post with the use of Stories. Include a shared image from your main feed as one of your Stories, inviting followers to check out the latest post. This strategy allows brands to overcome the algorithm updates and bring awareness to a post that may have otherwise been missed. Stories are posted chronologically and in a prime location at the top of the app, giving them prevalence over other content.
Ready to get more out of your brand’s Instagram? The social media experts at Keenability are here to help. Our full-service marketing agency in Boca Raton is ready to assist you with developing and strengthening your social media strategy.