How Leveraging Google Reviews Transformed Rossen Law Firm: Insights from Adam Rossen

August 26, 2024

In the highly competitive field of criminal law, standing out is no easy feat. With countless firms vying for attention, differentiation becomes not just a goal but a necessity. For the Sunrise Criminal Defense attorneys, Rossen Law Firm achieving this distinction wasn’t just about winning cases—it was about fostering a strong online presence, building trust with potential clients, and cultivating an image that resonates with people even before they step into the office.

At the heart of this success story is Adam Rossen, the firm’s CEO and founder, whose strategic focus on boosting Google Reviews has propelled the firm to new heights. This article explores how Adam and his team at Rossen Law Firm leveraged the power of Google Reviews to not only enhance their online visibility but also to solidify their reputation as a trusted and reliable law firm.

Meet Adam Rossen

Adam Rossen’s journey in the legal world is both inspiring and instructive. With a background as a prosecutor in Broward County, Adam gained invaluable experience in the courtroom, but he had a bigger vision. In 2008, he founded Rossen Law Firm, a criminal and DUI defense firm that has since expanded its services to include white-collar crimes, sex crimes, and more. Today, the firm boasts a team of over 20 professionals, including six highly skilled attorneys, two of whom are board certified.

What sets Rossen Law Firm apart from the competition is not just its criminal defense expertise but its unwavering commitment to client relationships. “We help good people when bad things happen so they can achieve their best future,” Adam says, encapsulating the firm’s mission. This philosophy goes beyond legal representation; it’s about being a support system for clients during some of the most challenging times of their lives.

However, as Adam and his team realized, providing exceptional service wasn’t enough in today’s digital age. The firm needed to ensure that its reputation extended beyond word of mouth and reached potential clients through the most powerful medium available—Google. This realization marked the beginning of a focused effort to boost the firm’s Google Reviews, a strategy that would ultimately transform the firm’s online presence and client acquisition process.

The Importance of Google Reviews in Modern Law Practice

To understand why Google Reviews became such a pivotal part of Rossen Law Firm’s strategy, it’s essential to recognize the role these reviews play in modern law practice. The internet has fundamentally changed the way people search for and choose legal services. Gone are the days when a referral from a friend or a billboard ad would suffice. Today, potential clients are more likely to turn to Google to research law firms, read reviews, and compare their options.

Laura Vinalet Brown, the Chief Revenue Officer at Rossen Law Firm, brings 18 years of marketing experience to the table, and she understands the significance of a strong online presence. “Google Reviews are not just about reputation management; they’re a critical component of SEO,” Laura explains. “Google has shifted its focus from content created by companies to user-generated content, which means that reviews now play a significant role in how a firm ranks in search results.”

This shift in Google’s algorithm means that law firms can no longer rely solely on traditional marketing tactics. Instead, they must actively encourage clients to leave reviews, respond to those reviews promptly, and ensure that the reviews are of high quality. “Google is putting people first,” Laura notes. “They’re looking for reviews that showcase expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness—essentially, everything that SEO stands for.”

This emphasis on user-generated content is particularly important for law firms that rely on navigational queries, such as “criminal defense attorney near me” or “DUI lawyer in Sunrise, FL.” When potential clients search for these terms, Google’s algorithm now prioritizes firms with high-quality, recent reviews, making it more important than ever for firms to maintain an active and positive presence on Google.

Why Google Should Be the Focus

With so many platforms available for client reviews—Yelp, Avvo, Facebook, to name a few—why did Rossen Law Firm choose to focus so heavily on Google Reviews? The answer lies in Google’s dominance of the search engine market. As Laura explains, “If you’re considering divesting your efforts into other review platforms, I would highly recommend focusing all your time and energy on gaining Google Reviews. The others will occur naturally, but your purposeful focus should be on Google.”

This recommendation isn’t just based on a hunch; it’s backed by data. According to a 2023 study, Google processes over 90% of all internet searches globally. For law firms, this means that a strong presence on Google is essential for attracting new clients.

Moreover, Google’s algorithm changes in November 2023 further solidified the importance of Google Reviews. The update significantly revised how reviews are evaluated and displayed in search results. Now, it’s not enough to simply accumulate five-star reviews; those reviews must offer genuine value to potential clients. They need to be detailed, relevant, and fresh. And crucially, firms must respond to every review—positive or negative—because an unresponded review can signal to Google that the firm is not actively managing its online presence.

For Rossen Law Firm, this meant adopting a more proactive approach to gathering and managing reviews. It wasn’t just about asking clients to leave a review; it was about creating a system that made it easy for them to do so and ensured that every review was acknowledged.

Building a Robust Review Process

Creating a successful review strategy is no small feat. It requires planning, consistency, and a deep understanding of what motivates clients to leave reviews. For Rossen Law Firm, this process began with a simple but powerful realization: timing is everything.

As Laura explains, “The best time to request a review is immediately after the completion of your case resolution. When the experience is fresh in the client’s mind and they’ve just had a positive outcome, they’re much more likely to leave a review.” This timing is crucial because the longer the time that passes between the positive outcome and the review request, the less likely it is that the client will follow through.

But timing isn’t the only factor at play. Laura and her team also recognized the importance of making the review process as easy as possible for clients. They provided their attorneys with a “pocket guide” that included a mobile version and a printed version, allowing clients to scan a QR code and leave a review on the spot. “What seems easy to us may not be easy to our clients,” Laura notes. “So we guide them through the process, whether it’s in person or over the phone, to ensure that they leave the review.”

In addition to timing and convenience, Rossen Law Firm also focused on personalization. They created scripts for attorneys to use when requesting reviews, making the process feel more natural and less transactional. For example, attorneys might say, “I’m so glad we achieved this result for you. It would mean a lot to me if you could leave my team and I a review. It only takes a minute, but it would make a world of difference for others in a similar situation.”

This personalized approach not only increases the likelihood of clients leaving a review but also ensures that the reviews are detailed and relevant. By reminding clients of their positive experience and the impact their review could have on others, Rossen Law Firm taps into the emotional aspect of the review process, making clients feel like they’re contributing to something bigger.

Getting Creative with Review Requests

While the basics of asking for reviews are important, Rossen Law Firm didn’t stop there. They took their review strategy to the next level by getting creative with their requests. For instance, they included the review link in email signatures, making it a constant reminder for clients to leave a review. They also created QR codes that could be placed on various materials, such as business cards and thank-you notes, to make it as easy as possible for clients to access the review page.

One particularly bold strategy they employed was asking for a review at the beginning of the case. “It may sound crazy, but it works,” Laura says. “By setting the expectation that a review will be requested once the case is resolved, clients are more likely to follow through when the time comes.”

Another unique tactic was sending a post-case celebration box, complete with a note reminding the client to leave a review. This personal touch not only delighted clients but also increased the likelihood of them leaving a review. “People love receiving gifts,” Laura notes. “And when they receive something thoughtful from their criminal defense attorney, they’re much more inclined to leave a positive review.”

These creative strategies are a testament to Rossen Law Firm’s commitment to not only providing exceptional legal service but also ensuring that their clients’ positive experiences are reflected online. By making the review process engaging and memorable, the firm has been able to consistently gather high-quality reviews that enhance their online presence.

Handling Negative Reviews: A Delicate Balance

No matter how well a law firm performs, negative reviews are inevitable. Whether it’s a disgruntled client, a misunderstanding, or even a malicious attack, negative reviews can happen to any firm. How a firm handles these reviews, however, can make all the difference.

For Rossen Law Firm, handling negative reviews starts with a simple principle: respond promptly and professionally. “If a negative review is legitimate, the best thing you can do is speak directly to the client that left it and try to handle the complaint with them directly,” Laura advises. “Many times, clients will be willing to remove the review if you address their concerns and resolve the issue.”

However, not all negative reviews are legitimate. In some cases, reviews may violate Google’s policies and can be removed. For example, if a review contains profanity, private information, or is off-topic, it can be flagged and potentially removed by Google. Rossen Law Firm has had to navigate this process on several occasions, and Laura shares her own experience with Google’s review policies.

“When I got married this past March, we hired a photographer who had great reviews. But unfortunately, the experience didn’t live up to our expectations,” Laura recalls. “I left a detailed review, but Google flagged it because I included too much information, which was against their policy. Not only did they block my review, but anyone with the last name Brown was also blocked from leaving a review.”

This experience taught Laura the importance of understanding Google’s review policies and knowing how to navigate the appeal process. If a review is flagged or removed, firms can contact Google with evidence to prove its legitimacy. In many cases, Google will review the situation and, if they find that a mistake was made, will reinstate the review.

For law firms, it’s crucial to be vigilant about monitoring reviews and responding to any issues that arise. This not only helps maintain a positive online reputation but also ensures that clients feel heard and valued, even if they had a less-than-perfect experience.

The Results: A Testament to the Power of Reviews

After years of implementing these strategies, the results for Rossen Law Firm speak for themselves. Adam Rossen proudly shares that focusing on Google Reviews has been one of the top five marketing tactics that have helped grow the firm over the past eight years. The firm’s online presence has flourished, and their reputation as a trusted and reliable law firm has been solidified.

But the benefits of Google Reviews go beyond just attracting new clients. They also serve as a valuable feedback mechanism, providing the firm with insights into what they’re doing well and where they can improve. This continuous feedback loop has allowed Rossen Law Firm to refine their services, enhance client satisfaction, and ultimately achieve better outcomes for their clients.

Moreover, the emphasis on reviews has fostered a culture of accountability and excellence within the firm. Attorneys and staff are constantly reminded of the importance of delivering exceptional service, knowing that their efforts will be reflected in the reviews they receive. This focus on client satisfaction has created a positive feedback loop, where happy clients leave positive reviews, which in turn attracts more clients, leading to further success for the firm.

In today’s digital age, where the internet is often the first place people turn when seeking legal services, a strong online presence is essential for any law firm. For Rossen Law Firm, the journey to building that presence has been marked by a strategic focus on Google Reviews—a decision that has paid off in spades.

Adam Rossen and his team have demonstrated that by creating a systematic review process, getting creative with review requests, and handling negative reviews with care, law firms can significantly boost their online reputation and attract more clients. But more importantly, they’ve shown that at the heart of every successful review strategy is a commitment to client satisfaction and a genuine desire to help others.

For other law firms looking to enhance their online presence, the message is clear: don’t underestimate the power of Google Reviews. With the right strategies in place, you can transform your firm’s digital footprint, build stronger client relationships, and ultimately achieve greater success.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Rossen Law Firm has achieved its success, visit their website at Rossen Law Firm. And if you’re looking to boost your own firm’s Google Reviews, consider taking a page from their playbook—you might just find that it’s the key to unlocking your firm’s full potential.

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