Incorporating Social Proof into eMail MArketing
July 18, 2017

The 1.94 billion monthly active users on Facebook are overshadowed by the 3.7 billion email users worldwide. These statistics should make it obvious that despite all the hype around social media, email marketing is far from obsolete.
Research by MarketingSherpa found 86 percent of online consumers want to receive monthly promotional emails. With email, marketers generated 174 percent more conversions than with social media. Email marketing is also 40 times more effective for customer acquisition than the combined forces of Facebook and Twitter.
Still, the question of using social media and email for your marketing objectives shouldn’t be an either-or decision. Combine the strengths of both social media and email marketing by incorporating social proof into your email campaigns. Below, our South Florida digital marketing professionals descriptor three ways to make the most of both platforms.
A basic form of social proof comes in the statistics you have about your business and customers. The number of subscribers, clients, repeat customers, average customer savings, and social counts such as followers and likes — just to name a few examples. Only showcase impressive numbers in your emails to trigger people’s need to join the bandwagon, build credibility, and establish trust.
According to the American Lifestyles 2015 report, 70 percent of Americans consult review sites when making a purchasing decision. A survey by BrightLocal found 84 percent trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Clearly, highlighting positive customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies in your email marketing can increase trust, credibility, and conversions. For added authenticity, use real photos of the featured reviewers and their full name whenever possible, as well as a link to the corresponding unbiased review site.
Use your email marketing campaigns to associate your company and brand with other acclaimed and reputable brands and influencers.
Spotlight any media mentions and awards your company has received, include the appropriate links to and logos of the media publishers and awarding associations.
Add the logos and testimonials of well-known brands that use your product or service. Seek out endorsements from influencers within your industry and pin those into your emails with full names and profile pictures.
Utilizing this form of social proof builds your company’s reputation and boosts brand awareness, credibility, and conversion rates. Customers who recognize the other brands and influencers who have found success with your product or service, will start to trust you by association.
At Keenability, our South Florida digital marketing professionals are experienced at creating email marketing campaigns for a diverse range of clients. To find out how we can improve all aspects of your marketing including email marketing and social media strategy — call us today.