How Facebook Reactions Impact your Business
July 9, 2017

Facebook Reactions are revolutionizing users’ experience, allowing for more interactivity with status updates, comments, photos, videos, links, and even advertisements. Reactions were created as an extension of the “like” button, giving users the opportunity to react to a post with a variety of emotions. Now, people on Facebook can easily and effectively express their opinions on a business’s posts.
Our South Florida digital marketing agency is breaking down Reactions below, and more important, how they can boost your Facebook engagement.
Originally, Facebook posts contained three traditional options to like, comment, or share. As the platform gained popularity, users demanded more options, specifically requesting a dislike button to express themselves. Although the dislike button was never added, Facebook had a different plan for users to express themselves through emojis. Emojis have become increasingly popular globally and are practically a universal language. The Facebook team understood this and knew emojis would be the perfect fit for the additional buttons.
After a year of development, Facebook launched Reactions worldwide in 2016 with five new emotions. The new emotions that would join the “like” button included: Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry. Since the initial release, Facebook has added the Reactions option to both comments and the Messenger app.
We are all familiar with Facebook’s complicated algorithm and how it impacts what pops up on your News Feed. It has been confirmed by Facebook that Reactions will impact the algorithm. The way you react to posts will directly influence what surfaces your News Feed because the algorithm places more weight on Reactions. For example, reacting to a post with “love” is viewed as more favorable than a “like.”
Facebook has begun to introduce additional Reactions for a variety of special occasions. One of the first was the addition of a purple daisy button for Mother’s Day. Later, we would see the rainbow pride button become an option for LGBTQ Pride Month, and even redesigned reactions for Star Trek’s 50th anniversary and Halloween. With the continuous addition of more Reactions, users are able to further express themselves and celebrate what’s important to them.
Facebook Reactions allow your company to effectively listen to how audiences perceive your posts, and your brand itself. This feature will allow consumers to more easily voice their opinions about your brand, and it’s important to listen. Just as Facebook listened to its users’ requests for more options than “liking” posts, you must listen to your audience’s online interactions and keep them in mind when developing a content strategy. In doing so, you should find that you receive a lot more “likes” and “loves” on what you post, thus building a relationship with consumers that will last.
Reactions will continue to evolve over the years and transform the experience users have on Facebook. It's important for your brand to understand, utilize and embrace Reactions to better cater to your audience. The best way to do this is to enlist a professional to oversee your social media marketing, who can advise you on the way Reactions are impacting your company.
If you have equations about how you can take your Facebook strategy to the next level, our South Florida digital marketing agency is just a call away!