Florida Atlantic University

Florida Atlantic University Center for eLearning is responsible for overseeing all online courses offered by the institution. In addition to increasing awareness of online learning opportunities offered by the college, of its most crucial functions is securing enrollments for its online programs. These programs have achieved top rankings on both a state and national level.

When the Florida Atlantic University Center for eLearning approached our team, applications for its online programs were at an all-time low. The office was receiving only 10 leads per month, and just 34 percent of these leads chose to fill out an application. Understandably, the college’s enrollment rates were low as well, as only 3 percent of applicants selected Florida Atlantic as their online school of choice. The Center for eLearning knew something had to change, and sought out our expertise to help grow its leads, applications, and ultimately enrollments.
To help the FAU Center for eLearning boost awareness and increase qualified leads on a small budget, we launched a 5-month digital marketing campaign, "Learn @ the Speed of Life.” The campaign targeted three key groups who can most benefit from online learning: new moms, parents with older children, and individuals who work late. Considering the target demographics, Facebook was chosen as the platform of choice for displaying the ads. Users were driven to three targeted landing pages depending on the group they belonged to. Organic social media posts were also incorporated on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to expand the campaign’s reach.