Take Advantage of Facebook Advertising Now
May 18, 2017

Presented with the option of publishing ads on Google or Facebook, most businesses will choose Google advertising. With the platform’s dominance in online advertising and proven success, it understandable that business owners want their ads to display on Google search results. However, another contender for online advertising dominance has emerged–Facebook.
Despite a bumpy start to its online advertising services, Facebook advertising has continued to grow. In 2016, according to an Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) report, online advertising revenue increased 57 percent. The overall U.S. online advertising industry grew 21.8 percent to $72.5 million. According to some estimates, Facebook accounted for 77 percent of this overall growth and 68 percent of social media ad spend. Two million more monthly advertisers started using Facebook advertising, coming to a total of 5 million advertisers.
However, the 5 million businesses using Facebook advertising account for only 8 percent of the 65 million businesses on this social media platform. Thus, making it clear that there is plenty of room for other businesses to utilize Facebook advertising.
As it is our pleasure to provide information that helps businesses flourish, our South Florida digital marketing team compiled some useful tips to get you started.
As anyone who uses Facebook knows, users frequently share information about themselves through their own posts, “like” specific pages and posts, and interact in several other ways with other publications and companies–resulting in data. As the manager of your company’s advertising, you should utilize this information to micro-target and connect the audience to a product or service that is appropriate for them, and more importantly, qualify them for your business.
When you are creating and publishing ads, think about the objective of the ad and the people who would benefit from the final product or service. First, outline the basics like gender, age, and location. Then, work through people’s interests, life stages, demographics, income levels and lifestyles. Use the Lookalike Audience to single out the one percent of users that fit the characteristics of your current target audience the best.
With Facebook, you can dictate the optimal places for your ads to appear, whether it’s on a user’s timeline, the right sidebar, desktop news feeds, mobile news feeds, or on other applications partnered with Facebook such as Instagram. The Audience Network feature allows you to know the various partner applications that could show your Facebook ads. Here you can choose which platforms and ad placements you want and don’t want.
Facebook offers a segment of code called a Pixel, which has quickly become an invaluable tool. The Facebook Pixel will drop cookies on your site’s visitors, allowing you to retarget them with your Facebook ads. Pixel also enables you to track visitor’s behavior on your site as well as conversions. With the information obtained, you can adjust and improve your Facebook advertising strategies by using the insights in future ad creation and targeting.
There is certainly a learning curve when it comes to digital advertising, and we always recommend hiring a professional to manage your ads instead of using the trial-by-error approach with your budget. If you’re ready to get started, our South Florida digital marketing agency can kickstart your online advertising strategy and elevate your business’s overall marketing, call Keenability today.