Refresh Your Digital Marketing in 2018

December 19, 2017

Things move fast in the digital world, and a digital strategy that isn’t updated regularly is doomed to be ineffective. We don’t want that for you. So, grab a pen, an iPencil or simply your finger (it is nearly 2018, after all) and start jotting down your New Year’s resolutions for your digital marketing strategy.

These tips from our Boca Raton digital agency should help get you started.


This tactic may have been commonplace once, but the only things you should be stuffing this time of year are stockings and turkeys. While keywords still play an integral role in SEO, they have to be used more strategically to be effective. No longer can you hide keywords in the footer of your web page or use an excessive amount of keywords in every blog post. It’s time to stop being lazy and start getting creative. Use keywords as a way to enhance your site, not detract from it. If they’re truly representative of what customers or clients hope to get from your company, usage of these words should come naturally.


In case you haven’t heard (but let’s face it, you have), social media is a great platform for marketing your business. However, even though everyone and their mother is on it, this online arena is still commonly misused. One of the biggest mistakes digital marketers make on social media is solely promoting their brand. Trust us, followers will get bored of the repetitive nature of your posts quickly. It is important to remember that social media networks such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, became popular because they allow people to engage with each other. So, ask yourself: Am I starting and continuing conversations with other users? If your answer is no, it’s time to step up your game. Try scheduling time to comment on, like and share your target market’s posts, and be sure to monitor your online mentions regularly.

Another easy way to interact more with your followers is to mix business-related posts with fun videos and pictures that relate both to your company and your audience’s likes and interests. That’s right, appealing to your followers’ likes will get you “likes.” It seems like common sense, yet so rarely is it put into practice. Having a solid strategy that promotes a balance of varied content is key for keeping your business accountable, so take some time to review (or create) yours before the new year.


Speaking of content, your website’s content could probably use some sprucing up as well. Though highly-ranked sites used to be based on the amount of content available, today’s algorithms, like Google’s Penguin, place a higher value on the quality of content a site has. In a nutshell, if you’re showcasing content users actually want to see, your site will rank higher in searches.

When you consider the fast-paced nature of today’s society, the shift makes sense. People don’t want to click around to find the information they need, so don’t make them. Your website should clearly state your company’s purpose, as well as what clients or customers can expect from it. Focus on points of interest and problems your audience may be looking to solve. Essentially, you should give the people what they want, placing your focus on quality rather than quantity.


Email marketing certainly isn’t going anywhere in 2018, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways in which your business can improve. If there’s one outdated digital marketing practice we see most often in the industries we serve, it’s a failure to segment audiences. Ideally, the information you send a group of contacts should be specific and valuable for that target. For example, a real estate brokerage might send an article about obtaining a mortgage to those who are looking to buy, and save the article about home staging options for those who are looking to sell. Also, be consistent in sending email blasts to these groups. That way, your name will become familiar to prospective clients and, provided the content you’re producing is valuable, they will begin to look forward to your emails.

Ready to make these changes in the new year?

Listen, we get it — crafting and implementing an effective digital marketing strategy takes a lot of work. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Let the talented team at our Boca Raton digital agency handle it, while your business reaps the benefits.

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