More than just marketers; we’re business consultants

October 19, 2015

Marketing agencies are common, so naturally, Keenability set out to be unique, valuable, and creative. While we’ve known that Keenability has far more to offer than just marketing, we’ve recently seen an influx of brands that come to us specifically for business consulting. Now we’re full-full-service, I suppose.

Some of our clients, normally those in the infancy stage, did not come to us strictly because of our design and marketing prowess. Strange, right? One client in particular chose Keenability because he needed help conceptualizing the direction and capitalizing on the value of his start-up venture. Not only has our team crafted his branding and marketing, but we’ve routinely met in regards to the functionality and direction of his social platform/search engine hybrid.

By not pigeonholing ourselves into strictly marketing, our agency has realized a new strength. Now, we have yet another service to offer brands, and have branched even further into becoming truly full-service. As a brand owner, this makes your life immensely easier. And richer. That sounds like something you’d be interested in.

A marketing agency we are not. A creative boutique, is Keenability.

*Yoda voice*

Do you own a start-up, or are you thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? In today’s day and age, competition has made proper marketing more crucial than ever before. Keenability is a close-knit group of talented designers, creative writers, and vast dreamers that makes your business, our business. We love working with ambitious brands, and constantly utilize creative marketing and strategic advertising to take our partners to the next level.

Hey there. We’re Keenability, and we’d love to meet.

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