Having a User-Friendly Website Just Got Way More Important

August 23, 2017

Our digital marketing agency in Boca Raton has always been a firm believer that user experience can make or break your site, and the latest algorithmic change from Facebook is proof that it impacts other areas of your marketing as well.


When it comes to websites, user experience means just that: the experience a user has when visiting your site. That experience is created by a combination of design, programming and copywriting. Ultimately, each of these components must work together seamlessly to guarantee visitors are left satisfied.

One of the key factors in determining whether a user’s experience is positive or negative is site’s architecture. Your potential customers or clients need to be able to easily find what they need to fulfill their goal when visiting your site, and they need to be able to find it quickly. In addition to design and copy that clearly communicate the path a user should take through your site, this also requires excellent programming when building each page. With great code, comes a speedy site.


Recognizing the importance that speed plays in a user’s experience, Facebook’s latest algorithm tweak promises to rank faster-loading pages higher on its News Feed. This action is a step to improve the experience of its own users, and should encourage businesses to take the necessary steps to make sure their site isn’t falling behind as the update rolls out over the coming months.


The best way to address this change is to enlist the help of a professional, who can help you identify areas where your site can use some updates. If you recently had your page redesigned, this may not be a high priority for you. However, if your site is past its expiration date, it’s probably time to implement some changes. Some steps a digital marketing agency might take to boost your speed include:

  • Incorporating high-quality content
  • Optimizing your page for mobile and other devices where users may access it from
  • Compressing files to improve rendering time
  • Placing more visual content above the fold (AKA on the upper half of the page)
  • Removing any unnecessary data

Our digital marketing agency in Boca Raton can help you increase your website’s chances of climbing to the top of Facebook’s News Feed — and Google’s search rankings, too. If you’re interested in getting a free consultation, let's talk.

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