4 Emerging Web Design Trends in 2017

February 22, 2017

The previous year saw the beginning of significant shifts in web design, some of which are likely to continue and even expand in 2017. Today’s web designers are more often than not falling into one of two polar opposite camps. As more advanced web development tools were released, the first camp opted to break away from minimalism and modular design in favor of more complex and bold layouts. Those who fall into the opposing group, however, are clinging to minimalistic looks more than ever and incorporating only essential information into a site’s layout. This understandably has produced a wide spectrum of design across the web going into the new year, so here we will focus on what users can expect to see from the first camp of creatives.

It is important to note that most of the adopters of these emerging trends are brands within the creative industry. If your brand operates more within the commercial market, it is best to consult with a Boca Raton marketing agency equipped with an experienced team of South Florida web designers to ensure your website appeals to your customers.

Our team of South Florida web designers has gathered some of the web design trends to watch out for in 2017. Here’s what you can expect to see:


The dominance of grid layouts and modular design may fade in 2017. Some web designers are opting for more open website compositions where elements are not placed logically within a closed box. Experimental layouts create loosely suspended elements placed within asymmetrical alignments. That is, elements are not contained by the edges of the monitor, they continue and exist somewhere off-screen.

See an example: booneselections.com


A prominent characteristic of these new eclectic web layouts is the overlapping of typographical and graphical elements. A popular effect is text which is made to stand out through the use of appropriate size and color but that slightly overlaps accompanying images. Another innovation is the overlapping of images or even just stacking layers of colors using a staggered arrangement to create texture and depth.

See an example: meiofio.cc


Since the popularity of minimalism is waning in some circles, the use of white as well as faded and dimmed colors is becoming less prominent. Instead, web designers have been favoring bright and bold hues especially used within gradients, a trend Instagram embraced with its logo redesign. Purely functional simplicity has been disrupted by the introduction of decorative patterns and details such as dashes, stripes, dots, “flying” geometric figures, and illustrations.

See an example: culture.pl


More diversity in typography has also been embraced. Designers mix together fonts of many different styles to create typeface pairings with more extreme contrasts. For instance, one might combine serif and non-serif typefaces, or thick bold geometric and monospaced “typewriter” typefaces, all into one web page. Others might opt to use utilize both horizontal and vertical text, adding contrast and dimension to the site.

See an example: jennyjohannesson.com

If your brand is in need of a website redesign, call Keenability today to work with our brilliant team of South Florida web designers and graphic artists.

Other digital marketing needs? Our full-service Boca Raton marketing agency is ready to help.

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