3 Ways to Publicize Your Pro-Bono Work

July 5, 2016

As an attorney, chances are you have volunteered your time to work on a pro bono case at some point in your career. This is common practice, which is probably why the majority of lawyers don’t spread the word about these types of cases. However, potential clients and colleagues alike will be interested in learning about this volunteered time, and it can do wonders for your reputation. After all, it demonstrates your commitment to your clients and to expanding your experience in court. How many professions are there that regularly donate their time and expertise to clients? It’s okay to give yourself a pat on the back, and earn a little publicity. Here are three ways you can market the cases you handle free of charge.


96 percent of lawyers have a LinkedIn account, and these profiles often get more visits than a firm’s profile. Yet, attorneys so often don’t lend their personalities to their accounts, making them impersonal and indistinguishable from other lawyers who practice similar areas of law. Adding the work you do pro bono to the experience and skills sections of your LinkedIn profile can change that. You can also request a recommendation from one of your pro bono clients. Personal recommendations are a great way to showcase how valuable you are.


Many organizations and publications recognize lawyers for their pro bono work with awards. For example, every year the ABA awards the Pro Bono Publico Award where the Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service honor individual lawyers, law schools, and law firms for their work. Don’t diminish the work you’ve done; take some time to apply for these awards, and get your name out there.


Your firm’s newsletter or blog are both excellent places to share the news of your latest pro bono case. Relaying the information this way may allow you to tell a story that truly engages readers. Why did you do the case pro bono? What was the outcome? What did you and your client take away from it? How would things have been different had you not offered your services without payment? These are all things your audience will be interested to know, so tell them.

Marketing oneself is one of the biggest challenges in the professional world. If you find yourself in need of some assistance, our South Florida marketing agency has mastered the art of crafting the perfect publicity plan.

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